Week 10: Degree Engagement
Introduction This week we went back to our normal schedule... sadly. Although I enjoyed I previous weeks classes, this week was a lot more helpful. Our topic was degree engagement and consisted of everything we need to do during our years at college to prepare to get our degree and beyond. Monday On Monday, we discussed the steps we should be taking to get our degree. They told informed us about the course catalog , which none of us had heard of. The course catalog is a list of major specific requirements that were set for the year you declared that major. Over the years, the catalog change, but you have the choice to stick with the catalog you were assigned or to use the new catalog. We also briefly discussed the MACE, major and career exploration center (shout out to Taylor). The last major requirement thing we learned about were our program maps and where to find them. Program maps are spreadsheets that ourline the classes we should take to graduate in four years. At ...