Week 10: Degree Engagement
This week we went back to our normal schedule... sadly. Although I enjoyed I previous weeks classes, this week was a lot more helpful. Our topic was degree engagement and consisted of everything we need to do during our years at college to prepare to get our degree and beyond.

On Wednesday, we got out our sheets of values from class on Monday and were split into small groups to compare our values. We were also told to discuss a challenge we have faced since we got to college and how/if we used our values to overcome said challenge. I shared with my group my experience in my English class. The first day of class my professor looked as all in the eyes and told us we would be lucky if we even ended with a C in the class. Being a student who is used to making 98s or above in a class, this really upset me, but I used my values of hardwork, dedication, and self improvement to ensure I end the class knowing I did everything in my power to get a good grade. After that we watched a video about how gamemasters look at the future to predict the present. In our small groups, we talked about how we can use that logic in order to achieve our career goals.
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