Week Two : Intro to Honors and Time Management
This week we were given two topics, intro to honors and time management. The two topics were split into two lessons, so we discussed intro to honors on Monday and time management on Wednesday. These topics were extremely helpful and informational for me.
Intro to Honors
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On Monday Dr. Engel, Dr. Desiderio, and Erin Martin came to class to talk to us about all things honors. First Erin Martin, our honors advisor, talked to us about the different honors requirements. Some honors requirements we talked about were the FYE class, honors core classes, and the thesis. She brushed up on what we would need to do for our thesis and highly encouraged us to meet with her frequently so she can keep an eye on our progress. Next Dr. Desiderio talked to us primarily about experiential learning and why the honors community requires for us to do at least one a year. He explained that being apart of honors means we are expected and/or encouraged to go above and beyond the other students on campus. He asked the class what types of things we thought we could do for experiential learning and a few of the answers were assisting a professor, volunteer work, and study abroad. Then he informed us that freshman are required to complete at least 25 hours of volunteer work as our experiential learning. He showed us a few ideas for volunteering both on campus. and off campus. After our freshman year we are allowed to do other things for our experiential learning including study abroad, internships, and research projects.
Time Management
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On Wednesday, our peer leader, Taylor Close lead the class. She talked to us about time management and how to make the most out of everyday. First, she reminded us to eat, saying most freshman forget to prioritize that. She asked us different ways to manage our time and her biggest recommendation was to prioritized and write everything down. Then she gave us our first assignment. We got into groups of 3 or 4 and were given a list of different tasks to complete. Not to flex, but my team, the Fab Four, absolutely killed it and ended up taking the win. Taylor asked our strategy and we told her we went down the list and divided and conquered. She then made the connection to the assignment and time management by discussing how we strategized and prioritized the most beneficial things on the list first. Next she wrote $84,600 on the board and asked us to write on a paper how we would spend this money if we had to spend it in only one day. After a few minutes a few people shared how we would spend the money and then Taylor informed us that that number was how many seconds were in a day. This may or may not have gave me a mini existential crisis, but it definitely made me reevaluate how I spend my "money".
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