Week Four: Growth Mindset, Academic Basics, and Academic Integrity

This weeks topic was growth mindset, academic basics, and academic integrity. Due to the hurrication last week we didn't have any class discussions, so on Monday of this week, we used class time to discuss in-class discussions (ironic right?). On Wednesday we spent most of the class discussing growth mindset versus fixed mindset. Growth mindset is when you take something your bad at and instead of just living with it, you push yourself to get better at it. A fixed mindset is just accepting you're bad at something and never trying to go above that expectation. Near the end of class on Wednesday we also talked a little bit about academic integrity and what it means to us as students. I really enjoyed the class this week. I felt as though the discussions flowed really well and it was overall a really fun environment.


Near the end of class, we discussed academic integrity. Alicia shared an instance in one of her classes where a student posted the answers to a quiz on the classes GroupMe. Then Doctora shared how cheating and plagiarism feels as a professor. Under the plagiarism side of the sheet, I wrote about a BIG plagiarism scandal that happened at my high school. My freshman year there was a DE class full of all seniors and they were assigned a 4-page paper as a final. All of the students decided it would be a great idea to take the paper from a student who took the class the year before and ALL turn it in. It was a huge ordeal and I'll never forget how this made that professor feel.
Fun Side Note
Wednesday Will brought wheat thins to class because he started a challenge to see how many wheat thins you can fit in your mouth. The mere presence of the wheat thins caused a class discussion over what is the point in the whole thing. Then he gave Taylor a box and said that she had to try to see how many she could fit, but she refused even though she still took the box of wheat thins (a girl gotta eat). Anyways my boyfriend and I were inspired to try this challenge and our current records are actually the same, 40. My mouth is apparently a lot larger than I anticipated. I can't get the pictures to upload, but if anyone wants to see them hit me up!
Geeeeeee, 40 is a professional standard!